Ebooks Note


All seven bestselling biographies by Kitty Kelley are now available as ebooks.

Jackie Oh!

Elizabeth Taylor: The Last Star

His Way: The Unauthorized Biography of Frank Sinatra

Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized Biography

The Royals

The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty

Oprah: A Biography

The Kennedys and Stanley Tretick


Capturing Camelot: Stanley Tretick’s Iconic Images of The Kennedys, with text by Kitty Kelley and photos by her late friend Stanley Tretick, will be published in November 2012 by Thomas Dunne Books.

Kitty Kelley:

Capturing Camelot springs from unbounded affection: mine for Stanley and his for John F. Kennedy. Yet it’s a departure for me as a biographer, one who usually tries to pierce a public image to find the person hiding behind an established myth. In Capturing Camelot, I’m celebrating one of America’s most cherished mythologies and the photographer who helped to create the magic that fuels the nostalgia for those fresh mornings and gilded evenings of long ago.

“All that Stanley Tretick admired in John F. Kennedy, I admired in Stanley: his limitless loyalty, his earthy humor, his gracious good manners, his immense generosity, his respect for history, his appreciation of film and literature. Personally, Stanley was a mensch. Professionally, he was a photographer without a peer.”

More on Capturing Camelot here.

Update, June 2012:  Kitty Kelley spoke about Capturing Camelot to Publishers Weekly.

Update, November 13, 2012:  Article and slideshow at USA Today;  Kitty Kelley and Capturing Camelot on the Today Show.

Update, November 14, 2012: An excerpt from Kitty Kelley being interviewed by Joy Behar November 13; Kitty Kelley on Jansing & Co.; Kitty Kelley on Starting Point.

Update, November 16, 2012: Kitty Kelley on Fox 25 (Boston).

Update, November 25, 2012: Kitty Kelley on HLN Morning Express.

Update, November 26, 2012: Podcast, Kitty Kelley on Conversations with Kim Carson.

Update, December 12, 2012: Kitty Kelley on The Bill Press Show.